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This site was created by and for the descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor and is dedicated to genealogy research on their family lines.

 If you are a descendant of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor, we are always searching for descendants in the hope that they will join with us.

Membership in the family orginization is free and open to all who are descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor.


 Membership Registration :

We ask for your full name and a line listing your ancesters from
William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor down to you.

For example:                                                                                                                           

William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor                                                                                         

 Childs Name and Spouse Name                                                                                                        

 Childs Name and Spouse Name                                                                                                

Childs Name and Spouse Name  

Childs Name and Spouse Name                                                                                                         


For our records

We ask for your mailing address, your email address, and a phone number.

 The mailing address and phone number will remain confidential and will not be given out without your permission.

Your email address will only be shared with other registered descendants, if they ask for it, and then only with your permission.

We do ask for your permission to post your name and the state in which you reside, with the other registered descendants on our web page.

Your personal information, address, telephone number, or email address will not be posted on the website.

Your registration information or any questions you may have can be sent to: the_descendants@hotmail.com

Or you may contact us by writing to: The Descendants  PO Box 761 , Toledo WA 98591



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